On the 9th day, God decided to take a mental health day.

Some say Atlantis was what was meant to be, but everything about it just simply didn’t click with the bureaucracy and its many lists upon lists of requirements and standards and regulations. A codename for a classified government project, Atlantis was never something for the common folk to understand, let alone be aware of on the same level as the World Series, the ongoing insurgency of Manitoba, or the third consecutive successful Mars landing.

It wasn’t until Dr. Corey Harrington and his team of physicists learned to harness the volatile potential of antimatter that the dreams of Project Atlantis could finally become a reality. Without it, any attempt to dig and stamp in the first supermassive steel foundation plate was immediately met with the wrathful waves of nature and a tired deity who had type 4 bipolar disorder, as suggested in Deuteronomy 3:12-16.

To make antimatter, one had to play god. Dr. Harrington and his colleagues then had the thought, simple as it was: what if one could simply be a god instead of playing at one?

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